Medooza Project announce — Freldo & Medooza partnership.

Alvais Gershon
4 min readSep 27, 2019


Great News!

We are incredibly excited to announce our partnership with Freldo.

Now, You can create, store, import, export and monitor your FreldoCoinX in Medooza wallet.

Why medooza wallet is the best place to stock FreldoCoinX token:

  • Security

We are fully no causal wallet. This means only You control your key’s decrypted with password known only to You. This is totally prevent issues as we see every day on Exchanges.

  • Freedom

You can transfer You wallet to Any other wallet of your choice at Any time — You are the boss.

Learn how to create, store & transfer FreldoCoinXon Medooza wallet platform after the short brief about Freldo and FreldoCoinX.

  • Don’t forget to download your Backup file after adding FreldoCoinX to your Medooza wallet platform.

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Want to buy MDZA tokens and receive a free MDZA tokens bonus? click here:

About Freldo Inc.

Freldo Inc. registered in Toronto, Canada in 2011.

From 2016 Freldo Inc. has launched business social network Freldo

A fully functional network connects small and medium business owners and their customers.

We have 40 000 live clients. Freldo goal is to make a revolution in the services market by implementing blockchain technology to the business-client relationship, providing small businesses with the tools of large networks and companies.

Freldo — global network linking service providers and clients to eliminate fraud reviews and provide lower prices for customers.

The FRECNX is traded on the BCEX exchange .

Freldo Token is placed on the best ratings such as CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, Livecoinwatch, Cryptorank, Сoinpaprika.

For more information about Freldo, please visit:

Create Freldo wallet:

  1. Click on “AddWallet / Coin” > type the first token letters > click on “create”

2. You can create a completely new asset or create it from an existing one.

3. Provide a password to protect You wallet transactions

4. Write or print your recovery phrase and store it securely offline.

5. Fill previously saved phrase and create the wallet.

6. Congratulations! You can start to use the Freldo wallet.

How to easily monitor Freldo and another tokens at Medooza Wallet without import it. Let’s say you have trade Freldo token on an exchange, so all you need to monitor it:

  1. Click on “AddWallet / Coin” > type the first token letters > click on “restore/export”

From the drop-down menu, choose “Address”.

2. Fill your Freldo wallet address the press “Import”

3. That’s it ! All your Freldo transaction history was imported

You can monitoring Freldo and other tokens at one place:

How to import Freldo wallet address from other platforms to Medooza Wallet:
Click on “AddWallet / Coin” > type the first token letters > click on “restore/export”

2. From the drop-down menu, choose the preferred option:

Fill the required information for the chosen import method, press “Import” > You are done!

Don’t forget to follow and share the Medooza project with friends on social Networks.

Want to earn MDZA tokens? Join our affiliate program here:

Want to buy MDZA tokens and receive a free MDZA tokens bonus? click here:



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